yes, the pages are gone. It's nothing your
missing. Just a choice by me. I'm just going
to go another direction for many of you.
of focusing on the big bad "C" word,
i've decided to just keep the regular journal
going. So many of you already know about my
health so I will just pick up from where I
left off and go from there. I was getting some
unfortunate e-mails and they kind of upset me
so I took the main cancer stuff off for now.
It was from people who really don't know me
and they were just people hitting my website
looking at my dolls I think and then looked at
my other pages and had opinions they felt they
needed to share with me. SOOOOOOO with that
said, you ALL now have my journal to read. It
will still include up to date reports on my
health etc... this way you all can still stay

Well, ok
Back to
school! YEAH the boys are back in school and
loving it so far.
Well, Matthew
would love it more if the admin would leave
his schedual alone for more than a day
or two. SOO at this point it looks like Monday
or Tuesday Larry and or myself will be down
there to MAKE sure this issue gets resolved.
Lets see,
what else. I am no longer employed. I lost my
job due to the fact doc said I was DONE plus
working the phones with my drunkin' speech
really isn't a good idea. BUT they said as
soon as doc releases me, I can reapply and
come back, (what do you think? Think they
really will let me come back?) Time will tell.
OK health
August 8th (I
think) may have been the 7th, I woke up and
was feeling "ok" but a bit shaky but
was able to do my normal "stuff",
exercise, some house chores etc... before I
had to get ready for work. I thought I was
"ok" so off I went, got to work, did
my normal socializing with many and was at my
computer and we did our thing for about an
hour and a half, was leaving the classroom and
BAHM! Down I go.... came to, thought I was
fine, Matthew came up and got me, I told
paramedics, thanks but no thanks, take a
hike...LOL Those of you who really know me,
that shouldn't surprise you!
Got home, was
here just a few min. Told Matthew to get me up
to E.R. and while I was there or on my way I
had a M.C.A.. A stroke.
For the first
time in a very long time, Sky Lakes, formally
Merele West Medical center renewed my trust in
them. They took really good care of me. I
actaully had no problem with staying in the
hospital (which is another thing I NEVER do)
but I guess I knew I needed to be there so I
didn't fight them.
Well, home to
speech issues, and weakness on my right side.
I use a cane most of the time.... I like my
walker better, BUT to me is just screams LOOK
AT ME, so I don't use it much except around
home and yard. For long ventures i'm forced to
use the 4 wheel drive... a wheel chair. In the
stores I use those "buggies" OMGOSH,
you talk about screaming LOOK AT ME. But it
does help me so much to get around AND I can
shop longer by using them.
If you have
tried to call, don't be shocked I don't
answer, I didn't hardly anyways, but i'm very
aware of my speech some days so I just don't.
BUT I've learned the art of texting! My mind
is still ok, well, as ok as it was LOL and who
knows how that was. I'm just slower
etc.. with all this "stuff" my blood
pressure has increased sooooo maybe I can get
the big "C" removed when i'm more
stable. We will wait and see.
To those of
you who read this, and hopefully my class
mates from work do once in a while....... HEY
And I DO miss
work! I LOVED my job! ALL the people etc.
Well, there was a couple I could go all week
and not chat with, but hey, they weren't the
devil. Everyone up there was so wonderful. I
looked forward to each day I got to be up
there. The smiles, jokes, tears.. ALL of it.
The bonding the most I think. Thanks guys for
touching my life in such a way that I ache to
see ALL of you each day.
Tomorrow is
the Logger's Breakfast here in Oregon. It's
just north of Klamath in the woods etc... Real
old time cooking grills with wood heat etc..
banjo playing, hay rides, train rides(I think)
and it's in the woods, next to a spring creek
etc... I will be sure to take TONS of pics and
Also, I got
to go to the Tulelake fair this year! YEAH!
Saw lots of people I know and hadn't seen in a
while. I have a pic of me there with a
friendly sheep.

I so enjoyed myself!
Well, please feel free to
e-mail me, Karml@aol.com
with just a note to say HEY or whatever, but
please if it's bad, well, I really don't want
to hear it..... LOL I am who I am and I will
NEVER change...... Sorry, i've tried and guess
what.... it just doesn't work for me. If you
like me great, if not, your loss..... Right?
Actually I always feel the loss... but enough
said. Enjoy our indian summer we are having.
I'm so loving it. Cool breezes, cooler nights,
and warm, or shall I say as of this typing,
HOT days.
LOVE and great big gentle
HUGS to ALL of you.