here we are 1/4 of the way through the year ALREADY!
for me, this is a great month! I LOVE March. For many
reasons. ONE, is I'm Irish and I LOVE St. Patty's Day!
It's in my blood.
also, it's the gateway month to Spring! And who
doesn't like Spring? Well, if it's you, please don't
tell me.
grandson is now a month old and doing well. Growing
like a weed.
of the other family members seem to be doing well. My
dad, my kids, my wonderful hubby, my sisters,
etc...... Thank you God for those blessings.
was gone for the month of February. Made for a long
month for me. Thank God it was a short month. He had
to travel due to work but now he is back home and we
ALL made it.
now for my health..... not much change.... still here
and fighting. Doing what I feel I need to and I keep
on trucking along each day. Some days are harder than
others but I still have one more kid to get raised. MY
BUBS ( Alex) He's all of 14. The other two, Kassie, is
20 and Matthew is now 18. So one more to go. I owe it
to him to be here at least until HE turns 18! I am
actually doing really well considering. I am walking
AND talking without many issues. I still have
"bad" days, but they are fewer and fewer.
When I have a "bad" day I just hang low and
go at a pace that works for me. I feel good enough
that I am wanting to go back to work, BUT I know I
can't do it FULL time so haven't bothered to go back.
BUT I do miss it very much and the friends I had made
while I was there at N.E.W. God had other plans for me
I guess. As for the big "C" word, I have a
couple of letters here from the doc's wanting me to
come in for test and appointments. I will, soon. But
for now, I want/need to give myself a bit more time
before I get back into that.
far the month of March as been cold and dreary. BUT I
did manage to go into my yard and work in it a bit. I
saw where my daffodil's and tulips are trying to poke
their heads up, also all the trees are trying to bud
out. I'm so worried it's too soon, BUT Mother Nature
knows more than I do.
far I have felt good enough to de-clutter so much of
my home. It felt good to get rid of so much
"stuff" that has just been piling up around
here. I re-cycled almost ALL of it. Also went through
and cleaned each and every room. Also a great feeling.
BUT now I think next month we will try and conquer the
garage! That will make a HUGE difference to me with my
de-cluttering process. I want to be pretty much
done with the house so I can spend as much time in my
yard this Spring and Summer. Our season here just
isn't very long so I want to be able to take as much
advantage as I can of it.
